Tuesday 9 February 2016

Balderson Double Smoked Cheddar

This cheese has a strong smoky taste which is what you want in a cheese that proclaims it is wood smoked on the label.  The flavour is quite strong, as is the scent but it is not overpowering or off-putting. We really enjoyed this cheese in salads and omelettes mostly but it would work well in sandwiches or on burgers. Actually, typing that sentence makes me want to fashion up some homemade hamburger patties to grill and top with a generous slice of Balderson Double Smoked Cheddar. Maybe this weekend...
This cheese was so good we've bought another giant brick of it since I started writing this post (before the new year, oops) and we'll likely continue to enjoy its distinctive flavour for years to come.
Highly Recommended.

Vital Stats:
Moisture 37%
M.F. 33%

Image TM Balderson Cheese. For more info follow the link: http://baldersoncheese.ca/balderson-cheddars/balderson-double-smoked-cheddar/

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