Saturday 27 February 2016

Cheddar Ile-aux-Grues

Cheddar Île-aux-Grues from Quebec came to us through the grace of my friend the Proff. She got us a three month subscription to a cheese-of-the-month club from AmazingClubs. Every month three fancy cheeses arrive in the mail sealed in a little styrofoam box. It's pretty neat and will certain provide an impetus for me to post on this fairly neglected blog.

Île-aux-Grues Cheddar is aged one year on a small island in the St. Lawrence River. It has a nice mature cheddar flavour. Not too salty, nor too pungent. The texture is medium, not too firm nor soft neither. The notes from the newsletter which accompanied our mail-cheese mention a hint of hazelnut that I cannot detect and provides wine pairing which I do not care about.  Overall this is a solid cheddar with a nice flavour.


Vital Stats:
Moisture 39%
M.F. 31%

Image © Société Coopérative Agricole de l'Île-aux-Grues. For more info follow the link:

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