Tuesday 9 February 2016

Double Gloucester

Another classic from Bradburys Cheese, Double Gloucester is a firm ripened cheese with a nice orange colour and a good tang.  There's a creaminess to the texture that I like and its savory flavour is due to it being aged longer than Single Gloucester cheese.  As is apparent should you read more than one post on this blog I tend to favour stronger, older cheeses and this is no exception. Double Gloucester is a great addition to any sandwich, omelette, or on nachos.

A clip from the fabulous British sit-com "The IT Crowd"
The cheese relevance is about 20 seconds in.

Highly Recommended.

Vital Stats:
Moisture 36%
M.F. 32%

Image TM Bradburys Cheese. For more info follow the link: http://www.bradburyscheese.co.uk/our-products/our-cheese-range/

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